What a night! We gathered this month on what I like to call my party boat. It is basically just for getting together and floating around the lake with family and friends. We were enjoying our speedy ride around the lake and decided to stop and sit in the middle of the lake to start our book dicussion and enjoy some tasty treats and wine. When one of our member's daughter decided to join us we told her we'd pick her up at the dock. Our boat decided otherwise. I couldn't get it started. A nieghbor drove up on his boat and offered to help. We asked him to go pick up Shannon from our dock. We could wait for rescue later. Then Evan came to our rescue in a row boat with a freshly filled gas tank. He rowed out and hooked up the new tank, but this must not have been the problem, because the boat still wouldn't start. Just as Evan was going to start to tow us in with the row boat, another neighbor sped up on his pontoon and we decided to pretend we were crying so he would give us a tow. We laughed when he said he thought we sounded like his first two wives and knew something was amiss. Anyway, we decided to let Evan off the hook and took Walter up on his help. That, and we were trying to get him to notice Shirley. Ok, we were trying to set them up. Stay tuned for what happens with that story! We are thankful to everyone who tried to rescue us. Even Steve and Justin who hopped in a canoe and started heading out to us...until they saw we were having too much fun. Thanks ladies for all of your patience. Looking forward to some more fun next month! Happy Reading. "EASY ON THE EYES" COMES OUT JULY 22ND AND IS THE 3RD IN OUR SERIES BY JANE PORTER! GET READING!
(Pictures: Top to bottom-- Donna and our "favor" of the month thanks to Kathy; Stephanie and Sharen; Shirley showing off our latest reads from Jane Porter; Karen and some wine; me driving the boat "WooHoo!"; some of the goodies before the big waves knocked a bunch over; Kathy and Teri; My son, Evan (18) to the rescue, Helping get Shannon onto the boat from Jeff's boat
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